Johnny Preps for OG Camp

This summer, Johnny will be attending OG Camp for the first time. He’s really excited because he’s never been to a summer camp before. And he hears so many great stories from his friends every time they return home! But there’s one thing Johnny is feeling nervous about…
Read Johnny’s journal entry to learn how he’s overcoming his jitters as the big day gets closer and closer.
My New Adventure
It will be my first time going to summer camp. I asked my friend Tyler what it would be like, and he sounded really excited. He’s gone to OG Camp three times, and whenever he shares his stories, he says, “You have to come next time. The games and activities are lots of fun. And we spend most of our time outside!”
This year, Tyler is getting his wish. My parents are letting me go with him. But even though I’m excited to try something new, I’m also a little nervous. Other friends and classmates will be there, so I’m not too worried about meeting campers. What makes me nervous is that it’s a sleepaway camp. Which means I’ll have to spend every night away from home.
Tyler told me that it feels strange at first. You have to get used to sleeping in a new room, and sometimes you can hear outside noises like crickets and other insects. So he invited me for a sleepover at his house the last two weekends to help me practice being away from home. At least now I know a little more about what to expect.
I remember how I felt when I first played volleyball. My biggest challenge was learning how to serve. At first, I couldn’t; it just wouldn’t go over the net. But I fixed my aim, made sure to hit just below the center of the ball, and used lots of power! I guess it’s just like any new experience. One of the most challenging things is that you never know how it’s going to go. But with a bit of practice and preparation, it usually turns out A-OK, and you can end up having fun along the way!
I made a list of things to pack that might help me feel more comfortable if I get homesick, like my favorite volleyball jersey to wear during games and my journal—to keep track of all the camp routines so I can show my family each activity.
So far, I think I have most of it covered. Well, except for those noisy crickets, hehe.
Reading stories and writing in your journal are great ways to build your vocabulary. Try using some of the words in Johnny’s journal to describe a time when you felt nervous about trying something new!
Overcoming: having success when facing a problem.
Strange: something that is different from what you expect.
Challenge: a hard/difficult task.
A-OK: a fun way to say OK; very good.
Homesick: feeling unhappy when you are away from home.