Homemade Gifts
Follow Audrey-Ann’ s lead and make your own creative presents.
Here are a couple of delicious gifts that are good enough to eat.
Peppermint Candy Christmas Tree
This is the centerpiece that Mollie helped make for the Christmas Celebration. Make it for your holiday table or for someone special.
Supplies you’ll need
Roll of double-stick tape, 9-inch high Styrofoam™ cone (leave the plastic wrap on to help the tape stick, or wrap it in paper), 3-inch high flowerpot with a hole in the bottom, two bags of wrapped peppermint candies, heavy paper or foam sheet, small apple, pencil or chopstick, toothpick, white glue and scissors.
How to make it
- Cover the entire Styrofoam cone with double-stick tape by wrapping strips of tape around the cone. Start at the top and work your way down to the very bottom.
- Beginning at the top, stick candies on the surface as shown, until the whole cone is covered. Cut a star for the top of the tree from paper or a foam sheet. Trace that star to make a second one. Put one end of a toothpick
- On the star, add a piece of double-stick tape, and put the second star on top of it. This makes a two-sided star. Poke the other end of the toothpick into the top of the Christmas tree.
- Set an apple on the table. Cover it with the upside-down flowerpot. Put a pencil or chopstick into the hole of the pot and push the pencil or chopstick straight down (halfway) into the apple. This makes a sturdy “tree trunk.”
- Gently place your tree directly over the “tree trunk” and push down, so the trunk goes straight up and into the middle of the tree. If the trunk is loose in the hole of the Styrofoam, add a few drops of glue on the end of the trunk.
Remember, craft projects should always be supervised by your parent or a trusted adult.
Blooming Butterscotch Candy Sunflower
This blossom makes a great birthday, get-well or thinking-of-you gift that’s bright and cheery.
Supplies you’ll need
Roll of double-stick tape, circular Styrofoam that measures 5 or 6 inches across (leave the plastic wrap on to help the tape stick, or wrap it in paper), 3-inch high flowerpot, two bags of wrapped butterscotch candies, two large pieces of heavy paper or two foam sheets, small apple, pencil or chopstick, toothpick, white glue and scissors.
How to make it
- Cover the entire piece of circular Styrofoam with double-stick tape.
- Cut a petal shape out of the paper or foam sheet. Trace it and cut enough petals to go around the circle on the front and back. Stick petals around the edges on the front half of the circle.
- Stick candies on the front surface as shown, until it is covered. Turn it over.
- Repeat steps 1 through 3 to cover the back of the Styrofoam circle, alternating petals as shown.
- Set an apple in the flowerpot. Put a pencil or chopstick straight down halfway into the apple. This makes a sturdy “stem” for the flower.
- Place your sunflower directly over the “stem” and carefully push down, so the stem goes straight up into the bloom. If the stem is loose in the hole of the Styrofoam, add a few drops of glue on the end of the stem. Add loose candies into the top of the flowerpot to cover the apple.
Remember, craft projects should always be supervised by your parent or a trusted adult.