Habitat Match-Up Game
An animal’s habitat is its natural home. Naya helps to return a baby Sierra Nevada red fox to its habitat in the mountains. Play this game with your friends or family to help them learn about habitats.
Supplies You Will Need:
- 4 large pieces of paper
- Stack of index cards
- Pens or pencils, markers, tape
- Optional: pictures of animals (including birds and insects!)
List of Habitats:
desert, mountain, ocean, savanna, tundra, steppe, forest (tropical forest, temperate forest, rainforest), edge of forest, meadow or field, marsh, coast, estuary, bay, pond, stream, river, flower garden or neighborhood. The goal of the game is to match animals with their habitats!
To Prepare the Game for the Players (by yourself or with a helper):
- Choose 4 habitats but make sure one is the Sierra Nevada mountains. (You can use suggestions for others from the list if you wish.) Write each habitat on a separate piece of paper in big letters.
- Look up names of 6 or more animals that live in each of the habitats. Be sure to include the Sierra Nevada red fox!
- Write each name on an index card. Or you can draw pictures of the animals or paste photos of them on the cards.
How to Play:
- Tape or place each large paper with a habitat name in a corner of the room.
- Place the animal name cards in a stack. Shuffle them.
- One by one, each player takes a card. The player acts like the animal on the card, moving and making sounds. The player goes to stand in the corner of the room that is labeled with the animal’s correct habitat.
- When each player-animal is in its correct habitat, play again!