Pup Adoption Certificate
Make Your OG Pup Adoption Official!
Hurray! Your doll has just decided to adopt her very own OG Pup! We’re so excited that our tails would be wagging (if we had tails, that is! Ha ha.)
To help welcome your new Pup into your OG family, you can download and print this Official OG Pup Adoption Certificate and fill in all the information like your Pup’s name, their breed (is your Pup a schnauzer? A bulldog? A husky? A poodle?), their birthday (you get to decide!) and any notes you think might be important for your doll to know (that part is up to you!)
For best results, please print the Pup Adoption Certificate in “landscape” format so that both sides print properly.
The Pup Adoption Certificate looks really nice if you print it in color, but if you print it in black and white you can color it yourself and make it even more special! (We think it would look really great with some added decorations like glitter-glue or a few cute stickers, too!)
There is a space inside for you to add a picture of your Our Generation doll and her new Pup – use a printed photo or a great drawing that you make yourself!
For even more Pup-related fun, check out the Veterinarian Checklist activity to keep track of your Pup’s health and decide if you need to give them any extra care.
You can print out the form as many times as you like to help keep a record of all your doll’s adopted Pups!