
Daisy Chain Friendship Bracelet


1 bag of different colored seed beads (tiny beads)
Nylon bobbin thread
Size 10 or 12 beading needle


  1. Wax a piece of thread and then thread the needle. Pull one bead through and then tie it onto the end of the thread.
  2. Add six more beads to make a total of seven beads for the flower.
  3. Loop back through the first bead (#1) and then add a different color bead (#8) for the center of the flower.
  4. Then loop through bead #5. This should form your first daisy.
  5. Add seven more beads. You can choose a new color or stay with the same colors throughout.
  6. Loop back through bead #1.
  7. Add a bead for the center.
  8. Loop through bead #5.
  9. Continue this process until you have completed the bracelet.
  10. Tie your last daisy onto the first one to form a never-ending circle.


The needles can be sharp. Depending on the age of the child, parents may need to assist with this project.


Pour some of the beads onto a plate. Then poke them with the needle to thread them through. Also, working on a table with the bracelet lying flat will help keep everything in place.

The colored beads have many meanings in the Native American culture. Some of these meanings are listed below:

Yellow (truth, growth, love)
Red (birth, clarity, new beginnings)
Black (lessons, adult, sunset)
White (purity, renewal, winter)
Blue (sky, water, spirit)
Green (earth, healing, health)