
Unstoppable, Unpoppable Balloon Trick

Amaze your friends… Dazzle your family… Stan The Man shows you how with this Unstoppable, Unpoppable Balloon Trick that works like magic!
With a wave of your magic wand, you can command a balloon not to pop— not even when sticking it with a pin!

What you’ll need

  • Clear tape
  • A pin
  • 3 to 5 blown-up balloons in different colors

Here’s how it works:

Stan says that the secret to this magic trick is putting a piece of clear tape about the size of a quarter on the round end of all of the balloons.
Smooth down the tape’s corners and edges so the tape is invisible to the audience. You’ll want to practice this a few times before your performance, then let the magic begin:

  1. Explain your magic powers to the audience. Ask the audience which balloon color they want.
  2. Hold your balloon just like Stan is in the picture, so the pin will prick the spot where the tape is.
  3. Wave your wand over that balloon and say, Abracadabra, shoobeedoobop, even with a pin, this balloon won’t pop!
  4. Slowly push the pin into the balloon and remove it slowly. It won’t pop!
  5. Now tell the audience you’re going to remove your magical powers.
  6. Wave your wand over the same balloon and say, Abracadabra, shoobeedoobop, now it’s time to make this magic stop!
  7. This time push the pin slowly into a spot that’s close to the end, but not where the tape is. Pop!
  8. Ta-da! Now take a bow. (And remember, magicians don’t tell their secrets.)