
Turn a road trip into a fun scavenger hunt!

Here’s how Shannon and Neve played Found It First!:

  1. Use two players or two teams. Make copies of the lists on the next two pages to share. There’s a different list of objects to find for each player/team.
  2. When you see an object that’s on either of the lists, shout “Found it first!” If the object is on your own list (or your team’s list), you score two points. If it’s on the other player’s list (or the other team’s list), you score one point. Once an object is found, it gets crossed off the list and can’t be found by the other team.
  3. The team with the most points by the time you get to where you’re going wins!

Scavenger Hunt #1

1. a cloud that looks like a giraffe
2. a pink barn
3. a car pulling a racecar
4. a round bumper sticker
5. a cornfield
6. an ambulance
7. a billboard with a doughnut on it
8. a moving train
9. a person wearing a bright yellow vest
10. an antique (really really old) car
11. a windmill
12. a man with a handlebar mustache
13. a wishing well
14. a hot air balloon
15. five birds on a telephone wire

Scavenger Hunt #2

1. a cloud that looks like a duck
2. a purple barn
3. a car pulling a speedboat
4. a funny bumper sticker<
5. an apple orchard
6. a helicopter
7. a “Baby on Board” car window sign
8. a four-leaf clover
9. a pink car
10. a weathervane shaped like an insect
11. a bow tie
12. a fancy hat
13. an American flag on a pole
14. a statue
15. a license plate that spells a word