
Sky Garden Crossword Puzzle

What’s on the roof at Sky Garden? Make copies of this page and use the clues to solve the puzzle! The answers are on the next-to-last page (no peeking!).


2. A playful, enjoyable time
4. A toy on a long stick that spins in the wind
6. What comes from the sun and helps plants grow
8. What falls from the sky and waters the plants in Sky Garden
10. A small tool that looks like a shovel, is held in the hand and is used for gardening
13. Red fruits that are eaten as vegetables
14. What the roots of plants grow in


1. Long, green vegetables that the Gardening Club used to make jam
3. A small cart with one wheel at the front and two handles in back that is used for carrying Sky Garden’s vegetables
5. The Gardening Club advisor
7. The kids in the Gardening Club
9. A cute statue of a tiny man who has a white beard and a pointy hat
11. A leafy plant that’s used to make salads and sandwiches
12. Long, orange vegetables that grow underground